Security Policy

When you order from our website your credit card information and other personal information is secure and protected.
Hot Desert Knights uses the most secure encrypted SSL technology available to ensure that when your order is transmitted to our online credit card processor, and then to us,your transaction is safe from prying eyes.
Once your transaction has been processed and is emailed to us, the credit card number is stripped for security while traveling to us. Many time customers will email or call us, place an order and tell to use the credit card on file. We are unable to do that because we do not receive your entire credit card number and do not keep a file on it.
Access to this information about our customers is restricted to management personnel on a “need to know” basis only. Each employee has been assigned a unique access ID which must be entered whenever he accesses customer information.
All of our computer systems are protected by firewalls to prevent un-authorized entry to the data contained in our computers. Once your order is received by us it is transferred to another computer which is not accessible via the internet thus protecting you further.
All computers in our office which are internet accessible are equipped with virus protection to prevent unwanted virus from possibly entering our computers and sending personal data to un-authorized individuals. In addition, we check daily for security updates and patches for the various computer programs we use.
Only key management individuals have access to the computers which contain customer information. These employees constantly undergo training and re-training regarding in house security procedures as well as online security procedures. No customer information ever leaves the premises.
Our physical offices are monitored and recorded 24 hours a day by a video cameras and access is restricted only to authorized individuals. In addition the entire office complex is equipped and monitored by ADT Security Systems and is tested on a regular basis.
You may feel secure and confident when placing your order with online that we are doing everything possible to guarantee your security and privacy.