Category: Hot Desert Knights
Hot Desert Knights – A Gay Bareback Studio featuring the rawest, hottest, wettest, movies for the bareback and leather communities!
Hot Desert Knights as a company was started in February 1999. Actually the story is kind of unique. In 1998 Bill Gardner (Hot Desert Knights – founder) started having bareback parties his home in Palm Springs. They grew from just a few friends to more than 60 guys each month. He finally had to move the parties from his home because of the large number of men who were attending, to a nearby gay resort in town. At the time he owned a business that produced safety-training videos for industry and private corporations.
At the end of one of the parties he was sitting around relaxing when one of the guys said; “you guys make videos, right,” he said yes and the man replied; “well, why don’t you make bareback fuck videos?” Bill’s response was; “because we never thought of it.” He thought about it, did some research on the net to see if their was a market for such videos and it seemed that their was. So, in February 1999 he produced Hot Desert Knights first two movies and put them on the net to see what happened. They were a hit and Hot Desert Knights have been producing them ever since. Hot Desert Knights, producers of the rawest, hottest and wettest videos for the leather, bareback and fisting community!
Hot Desert Knights: BAREBACK CAMPUS

You remember those good ol’ college campus days. Rest till noon, drink all day, and of course hook up with all the hot guys you want! Re-live those moments again as these hot college campus studs direct their youthful energy on each other!